by i.m. Press
How do you find a word in the dictionary if you do not know the first 2-3 letters it starts with? Th...
How do you find a word in the dictionary if you do not know the first 2-3 letters it starts with? This WORDSPELLER dictionary is designed to use your misspelled English or Spanish word to locate the correctly spelled English word in seconds! Welcome to WORDSPELLER ESL! A Phonetic Dictionary full of American English & Spanish Words.
NO spelling RULES required for this wordspeller. NO MORE frustration when you have a misspelled word and spellcheckers cannot find your word. BEWARE! This phonetic dictionary WORDSPELLER will passively enlarge your vocabulary. This WORDSPELLER is created by hand, one word at a time. Thoughtful reviews are appreciated. Constructive comments may be sent to the email address below to help us improve this database for you.
Type in 2-3 letters in Spanish or English for the word you wish to find. Add more letters to narrow your search. Set your device to Spanish to see Spanish descriptions.
Locate your word using Spanish spellings such as:• ais or aiz = ice / eye(s).• llaquet or yaket or yaquet or llaket = jacket• leit = lateVery brief definitions in English are to help you quickly understand the meaning of the word. If the word sounds or is spelled similar to another word, it will be cross referenced. Example:* they're or their or there* emigrant or immigrant
This dictionary interprets your word from Spanish into English as it sound to you “phonetically”. Example:* jump = llomp or yomp or iomp* jubilee = llubili or yubili or jiubili* gentle = llental or yental* ice / eye(s) = ais or aiz* jacket = llaquet or yaket or yaquet or llaket* late = leit
Suffixes and their root word are shown in the with all suffix endings spelled out. Example:* 'mad' = madder, maddest, madden, maddening, maddeningly, madly, madness
List of prefixes and their definition. Examples:* satisfied = dis (for dissatisfied) / un (for unsatisfied)
Phonetic spelling also includes Japanese vowel sounds, suitable for Japanese ESL
As you enter letters, words will be revealed. Keep typing until your list is narrowed down to 6 or less results. If you do not see your word, change your spelling.Misspelled or phonetic spellings are in purple. Correctly spelled words are in black.
Tap on a word to see definitions, prefixes and suffixes.
As well, your word will be cross-referenced with other words which sound or are spelled similar to your word. This is where you will learn new words your may not have known existed!No internet connection required.No adsNo data will be collected. Proper nouns will only be listed if they sound or are spelled similar to a non-capitalized word.
* PLEASE NOTE: This app requires ANDROID 2.1.0 or higher. If your ANDROID OS System is older than version 2.1.0, this app will NOT open!
Please check your device to make certain the operating system is newer than 2.1.0
This app will receive constant updates resultant of user feedback. Please submit your requests for changes, additional misspellings, questions, problems to our support team because only the best spell checking app will do!
[email protected] how this app works for free at our website!Author: Diane FrankApp Designer: Jeremy Sarka